Whether you want to travel with your new recreational vehicle or tear up some trails on your ATV, Latitude 32 can help you get rolling. You’ll find that our competitive rates and hands-on service truly set us apart. Our lenders will walk you through the loan process and have you enjoying the great outdoors in no time.
RV Loans | ATV Loans | Motorcycle Loans | |
Loan Amount | Up to $100,000 | Up to $50,000 | Up to $50,000 |
Interest Rate | As low as 7.25% | As low as 7.75% | As low as 7.75% |
Loan Terms | Up to 120 months | Up to 84 months | Up to 84 months |
Unsecured vs Secured | Secured | Secured | Secured |
*APR is Annual Percentage Rate. The rate may vary depending on each individual’s credit history and underwriting factors. These rates are accurate as of 1/15/25, and are subject to change daily. All Credit Union loan programs, rates, terms, and conditions are subject to change at any time without notice.
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